City of Montgomery, AL
Home zoo MenuLet us bring the Zoo to you!
Teaching about our animals and conservation efforts is key to ensuring that the next generation can enjoy every creature large to small. This is the main goal of Montgomery Zoo and Mann Wildlife Learning Museum Education Department’s Zoo2Go programs.
All of our education programs can be adapted to meet a variety of age groups from pre-K to seniors citizens.
Programs may be done on location at your day care, school, church, business, senior living facility, neighborhood association gathering, civic group meeting, corporate or community event, class or family reunion, birthday... you name it, and we can make your next event the WILDEST event in town!
We can even add more to your group’s visit to the Montgomery Zoo with a program on-site in our indoor classroom or outdoor pavilion.
Outreach Programs
-- programs held off Zoo grounds
- Up to 60 people: $125 for first program and $105 for additional programs
- 60 to 140 people: $150 for the first program and $125 for additional programs
- 140+ people (assembly programs): $175
- Animals: $150 for the first hour and $125 for each hour after
- Gas charge: $1 per mile outside Montgomery city limits
- Zoobeedoo (Zoo Mascot): $65 per hour
-- Zoo Education Department's animal collection
-- Current Education Program Topics
For pricing and availability of tours, please contact Education Department at
-- (334) 625-4909
NOTE: All zoo guided tour fees are in addition to regular admission fees. Prices and times are subject to change without notice.